Sunday, January 3, 2010

Amazon Kindle helps Bloggers Earn $$

Did you know that Amazon's Kindle now offers a Beta program that can be beneficial to bloggers, both financially and for exposure?

Thanks to Suzanne Wells at Make Money with Your Brain, I was able to find this neat little program and sign up for it.

According to the program, you can create an account with Amazon (a new one must be created for Kindle; your regular Amazon account won't work for this) and then just simply "sign your blog up!"

Yep, it's absolutely that easy! I think the whole process took me between 10 and 15 minutes tops. Suzanne's post lists some helpful hints, if you have trouble getting started. I won't duplicate Suzanne's links, but you can go HERE to read her post and to help you if you get stuck.

Blogs are delivered like other Kindle products-wirelessly, and with each subscription to your blog, you will receive 30% commission. Most blogs cost about $1.99 to subscribe to, and while you won't get rich off that 30%, you may be able to drive more traffic to your blog, thus gaining a lot more exposure.

The best part about this new Kindle program is that registering your blog with them is absolutely **FREE!**

...and we all LOVE that!


  1. This might benefit some of the really big bloggers, but I can't see too many people paying to get feeds they can get for free.

  2. I totally agree with your comment, but since it is free to sign up with and it only takes 10 minutes to do, what is the waste and/or harm of it?

    You may not make any money off it, but you will drive traffic to your site/blog, and there will be people (if you consider the millions that use Kindle) that will just sign up for it, not realizing they CAN get the feeds for free.

    I'm all for people getting things for free, but this new service from Kindle helps us ALL drive more traffic to our blogs.
