Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Target Deals & Today's Run

Target has quickly emerged as my second favorite place to shop. Oh, I mean, it's always been one of my favorite places to shop, but in the last few months, they have really been pulling out all the stops and giving Publix a good run for their money with their low prices and close to freebies.

For instance, this week, they have SEVERAL good deals out. (In fact, some of them are so good, they were already sold out when I got there today!)

Here's a picture of what I got today. I will try and give you a break down. It may not look like much, but believe me, if I had to actually PAY for this stuff, I never would have bought it! (Wink! Wink!)

First off, Target had some of their knife sets on clearance. (I'm guessing these were "holiday" knives, though there is no sign of holiday anywhere on them.) They were originally $14.99 for a set of 12, which is cheap enough in itself, but they were marked down 90%, which made them a mere $1.50, and they came in that cool, wooden box you see!

Also marked down to 90% off were the red, shiny glass ornaments you see. I have two large candle holders from Pottery Barn in my dining room that I fill every year with silver ornaments, and this year, I thought they would look pretty next year either done in all red or mixed with the silver ornaments.

This was a lucky find--each set of 15 was orignally $2.50 (again, pretty cheap), but at 90% off, they rang up at a mere $.25 each! So, $2 for 8 sets of them! Cha ching!

My local Target was so-so on what was left at 90% off (LOTS of food items), but make sure you check your local store to see what you can dig out of those bins and shelves.

I was also able to snatch up 6 sled ornaments from the Birchwood Chalet collection (my favorite from this year's lines), and those rung up at a mere $.29 each!

Last, but not least--if you have cats and they like their treats, Target is the place to hit this week. They are literally GIVING AWAY cat treats!

Purina's Whisker Lickins are selling for $.64 each (much less than the grocery blogs reported), and there is a manufacturer's coupon out for $1/2 PLUS there is a Target coupon out for $1/2! If you buy two bags of treats @ $.64 each, you are only spending out of pocket $1.34, but you are turning in $2 worth of coupons! That is an overage of $.66 to be applied to your other non-free stuff!

The other cat treats pictured are Purina's Party Mix bags. They are selling for $1.24 each. Again, there is a coupon in the paper for $2/2 and combine that with the $1/2 Target coupon to get another overage of $.52!

I love it when Target does deals like these because, although it's not much, these little overages help me pay down on my other puchases.

So, my grand total for tonight's Target trip came out to (with tax) a little over $4.50!

Jenny, over at Southern Savers, has now started to list Target match-ups. Hopefully, she will get as good at Target match-ups as she is with all the other stores and catch up to all the other Target bloggers out there!

If you haven't done Target coupon match-ups before now....it may be time to take a second look!

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