Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today's Living Social Deal - $185 for 5 Laser Hair-Removal Treatments from Bella!

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Today's Living Social deal is five (5) laser hair removal treatments from Bella.  Bella is located on Wieuca Road in Atlanta.

Here are the details:
We are suckers for instant gratification. There, we said it. So while researchers continue to search for the magic lotions that will leave you as smooth as a baby's bottom, we're going to head directly to the spa without passing go. With today's deal you can get five laser hair-removal treatments for your underarm or bikini area at Bella. This Buckhead boutique specializes in ridding ATL's denizens of those pesky razor burns and smoothing out their most delicate parts with painless treatments. In other words, at 54% off regular price, you'll leave looking like a breezier version of yourself, sans that pesky day-three regrowth. Good luck convincing those researchers you haven't already found the next magic thing.

To take advantage of today's Living Social deal, you can visit Living Social's website. Ticker

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