Saturday, August 1, 2009

B-I-G Sunday for Coupons

*Thanks to Stretching a Buck for posting this information.

If you have ever wanted to get started "coupon-ing," this weekend is your big chance. Your local Sunday newspaper should have FIVE (yes, I said 5) inserts in it this weekend! Wow! We haven't had a big weekend like this in a long time. (... thank goodness because I was getting rather tired of paying $2.50/paper for 1 insert lately.)

Marcy has them all listed on her website, so make sure you check it out.

If you just starting out couponing, remember, it is always a good ideal to "stockpile" your coupons. There are many ways to do this (i.e., recycling centers, coupon-clipping services on Ebay, asking friends/relatives for their unused inserts, etc.), but I guess I'm just old-fashioned--we buy TWO, DOUBLE PAPERS every week.

I know it's a hefty amount to pay ($5) for a bunch of sutff you are going to end up recycling, but I can promise you'll make that $5 back almost immediately and maybe even more off those coupons!

So, head out this weekend and stock up on your coupon inserts girls!

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