Sunday, May 16, 2010

More to Come...

Hello and welcome to my blog! To receive these deals daily, sign up for my **FREE** e-mail newsletter or subscribe to my automatic RSS feed. If you'd like a printable copy of this post, please see the link below. Thank you for stopping by!

Just a quick note to say I will be back soon to post more deals and **FREEBIES**!!

Most of you know that my "day job" is teaching pre-K at a private school, and since it's May, you can only imagine how busy we are right now!  May is always a month of reviews, picnics, and most importantly--GRADUATION CEREMONIES!

Our little class is leaving the nest, and as teachers, we've done our job.....we've set their foundation in place and now it's time to let them go.  We will never forget the little faces that graced our lives this year!

So, until the last diploma is given out, I hope you will be patient with me and my posts.  I will be back very soon with as many **FREEBIES** as I can find for you guys!!

Happy May! Ticker

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