Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Magical Weekend

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Squirrel, dcanoli, and njoysiscaretti
Two Italian sistas enjoying a cannoli!

Hi guys!  It's good to be back!

I've just had the most wonderful weekend in my happy place (yes, again).  This time, Josh & I went down for a HUGE Wishes Dessert Party Tweet Up inside the Magic Kingdom.

It is always so great meeting people who have the same interests as you do.  People that you've had the privilege of knowing for so long, but maybe only "virtually."

I can truly say that I have never met a more fun and loving bunch of people-people from all over this country-coming together at one time and in one place.  If you have never attended a tweet up or went to a conference where you've had the privilege of meeting your on-line friends, I encourage you to do so!

The memories that I was able to create this weekend, especially with my 10-year old son, can never be replicated.  Memories like shutting the Magic Kingdom down at 3 a.m. or riding Dumbo in the middle of the night inside an empty Fantasyland with only a handful of others....These are the kind of memories I crave to create and leave my sons.  Memories of good times, good food, and good friends.

I think I must have achieved that goal because Saturday night, while chowing down on a plate full of chocolate-covered strawberries, cannolis, and mango shooters, my 10-year old son looked at me and said, "I'm glad I came with you Mommy."

Aaahhhh...words to a Mommy's ears!

...and with that said, I guess it's now time to head back into the real world with real blogging and real DEALS!  ...and oh yeah--one more thing--how many more days until the next tweet up in October at Mickey's 5k?

The infamous Morons:  Brent, Chris, John, Mike, Scott, Jim, Shaene, and mini-Moron Matt!

The Whole Twitter Tweet Up Gang (minus Josh & I who were roaming the Park elsewhere)!

Did I mention that I can't wait until October when we get to do it all over again?

www.MyVacationCountdown.com Ticker

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