Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Very Sweet Giveaway from Splenda for the Meals on Wheels Association of America

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*Disclaimer:  I was contacted by Splenda to help promote their new Send A Pie partnership with Meals on Wheels.

Who loves Splenda?  Anyone here beside me?  My family loves Splenda.  (I especially love it in my coffee.)

Well, if you love Spenda, here's your chance to help them make a $5,000 donation (in addition to their first donation of $50,000) to Meals on Wheels and win a great prize package (valued at approximately $50) from Splenda!  From Splenda's press release:
"There’s nothing more American than apple pie, and ....SPLENDA® Brand is sweetening our nation’s Independence Day by sharing thousands of slices of apple pie while helping to feed the hungry. McNeil Nutritionals, LLC, the marketer of SPLENDA® Sweetener Products, is working in collaboration with Meals On Wheels Association of America (MOWAA) and SPLENDA® Signature Chef, Katie Brown, to distribute slices of Brown’s favorite pie nationwide to our veterans and seniors in need.
Consumers are invited to join the initiative as well by downloading the "Send A Pie" application on the SPLENDA® Facebook page and adding to the SPLENDA® Brand’s $50,000 donation. If more than 25,000 virtual slices of pie are shared between Independence Day and Labor Day, McNeil Nutritionals, LLC, the marketer of SPLENDA® Sweetener, will donate an additional $5,000 to MOWAA.*
 “In our country today, one in nine seniors is facing the threat of hunger,” said Enid Borden, President and CEO of MOWAA. “We are delighted to partner with the SPLENDA® Brand for this event and thank them for stepping up to the plate and joining us in our fight to end senior hunger in America by the year 2020.”
So, how can you do your part to help Spenda make its $5,000 goal and at the same time win something?  First of all, you can enter our giveaway.  That's the first step.  Take a look at the picture below.  Here is the awesome prize package Splenda is giving away:

 Included in this prize package are:
  • Splenda World of Sweet Drinks Cookbook
  • Splenda Minis
  • Splenda No Calorie Sweetener with Fiber
  • Splenda Brown Sugar Blend
  • Splenda Flavors for Coffee
  • Splenda, Granulated
How can you enter?  There are seven different (7) ways.  Simply start with the first bullet point below and work your way down the list.  Remember, you can enter up to seven (7) times!  Next week, I will pick a random winner, and Splenda will send the prize package directly to your home.  It's that easy.  Here are the steps to win this $50 prize package from Splenda!
  • First, and most enter this contest, you must visit facebook and Splenda's Send a Pie application and send a pie to help Splenda reach their 25,000 pie total (no exceptions).  (First Entry)

  • Leave a comment on this blog saying how you'd use the prize package if you won. (BONUS)

  • Blog about this giveaway on your blog with a link back to this blog and then leave a comment here saying you did so. (BONUS)

  • twitter about this giveaway on twitter with a link back to this blog and then leave a comment here saying you did so. (BONUS)

  • Visit our fan page on facebook and "like" us.  Leave me a comment here saying you "liked" us on fb.  (BONUS)

  • Visit our fan page and leave a comment on our wall.  Leave a comment here saying you did so.  (BONUS)

  • Post about this giveaway on your facebook wall, with a link back to this blog and leave a comment here saying you did so.  (BONUS)
Reminder:  This contest will run for seven days, through next Thursday, August 19.

I hope you will join us in this great promotion to help Meals on Wheels & Splenda.  You can do it from the comfort of your own home and virtually pass a piece of pie to family and friends.

GOOD LUCK!!! Ticker


  1. I sent my pie @ Sat August 14th 5:18pm!

    hilaryduff53 @ hotmail DOT com

  2. If I won I'd user it as a substitute that I use everything in sugar in, obviously. Our family consumes a lot of sugar and it is very unhealthy. I've been wanting to make the switch to Splenda but I've been hesitant until now. I'd use it for recipes, tea, sprinkling on frozen strawberries, the possibilities are endless.

    hilaryduff53 AT hotmail . com

  3. Testing the comments page! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  4. Set the link and info as FB status on Aug 15th.

  5. I sent a pie! I hope they reach there goal!

  6. I would love to win this for my mom. She has diabeties and cant afford a good sweetener. This would make her day!

  7. I liked you on facebook

  8. I sent a strawberry pie w/ woven top and whipped cream!

    giveawaymommy at

  9. I would love to get this for hubby and I. We are both on diets right now to lose weight as we are both currently in the morbidly obese catagory. This would help greatly especially with hubby who has a sweet tooth

    giveawaymommy at

  10. I just because a fan of yours on facebook

    giveawaymommy at

  11. I sent my pie to ya on FB! We use Splenda for everything in our house from coffee in the morning, to sweet iced tea that we make! Mmmmm....I love all the new products in your giveaway that I've never seen before...would love to try them! :)

  12. I tweeted! :)

  13. I 'liked' ya on FB a very long time ago & I wrote on your wall! :)

  14. I sent a pecan pie with caramel...yum

  15. I'd love to win it for my aunt. She does so much for us and I know she'd love it

  16. like on facebook!

  17. tweeted

  18. I sent my pie! I like your FB page and I left a comment there for you. If I won this Splenda prize package, it would be perfect timing - my hubby and I are following Weight Watchers, and these products would sure come in handy for making delicious reduced calorie treats! DEarly

  19. love splenda! we use it in our house daily, not just for coffee but actual meal recipes that call for brown sugar - i just sub with the splenda brown sugar blend and it tastes even better! especially on pork tenderloin....
    liked ya on fb.... :)

  20. I already use Splenda in coffee and baking. It would be a great opportunity to try the other Splenda products in new recipes.

    Thanks Debbie and Thanks Splenda,
    Robert Wiseman

  21. I just "liked" your fb page! I also posted a comment on the fb page!

    Now if I won this prize, I would totally change the way I cook using sugar. I enjoy sweet tea, would use it in that, as well as trying the coffee flavors. There are so many things I would change about how I make sweets for my kids! This is a great way to help people get away from all the processed sugars we take in every day!

    Tracy Hathaway

  22. YAY!!!! I won!!!! I'm so excited!!! :) Thanks Debbie & Splenda!!!

  23. Hi! I'm glad I stopped by. I saw your problem with comments, and wanted to see if it was fixed. I had the same problem, then I couldn't post unless it was from facebook or Scribe Fire, an extension on Chromium. I'm coming to the conclusion that if you give them a reason why it's essential, they fix each blog individually. I told them I was up for an advocacy position (no money and extra work, but it's a good cause and very personal to me and many friends (Pain). It's been working now for a few days, for all issues. If you have time, can you tell me how NetWorked blogs is working for you? I noticed you said you had a new blog, and I need to converse with a lot of people, so either I would create a new blog (as long as they work) and I just signed up for NetWorked blogs. Didn't intend on asking, but since your comments are working--that's the only reason I came. So you are under no obligation to respond. Will be a fan on Facebook. Good luck.

  24. The only way the comments got fixed was by me removing the moderation on them. I never heard from blogger or anyone else on the forums. :(

    I don't have a new blog; this one has been going for a while now. I do use networked blogs on facebook, if that's what you're talking about. It works fine.
