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Today's kgb deal for Atlanta is two (2) hours worth of house cleaning from Time Used Wisely for only $40 (a $95 value)!
Here are the details:
World domination via your latest mind control invention becomes a little easier when you free up the hours and effort necessary to dust behind the bookshelves. Let kgbdeals help increase your time and energy reserves for missions more stately by purchasing today’s voucher, good for two hours of cleaning by Time Used Wisely. The professional, meticulous cleaning service uses only environmentally friendly cleaning products, preserving the integrity of the planet for when you’re in charge.To purchase today's Atlanta kgb deal, please visit the kgb deals site for Atlanta.
Once you purchase your voucher, use Time Used Wisely’s convenient online booking service to schedule your home a date with cleanliness. A cleaning master will be dispatched to your house at the appointed time to sweep, mop, and/or vacuum floors to institutional criteria, sluice surfaces to a mirror-like reflectiveness, de-crust appliances, and subdue restroom filth. When Time Used Wisely declares victory, an unsullied home is yours to keep!
kgb agent insider tip:
Time Used Wisely offers a host of services that make your life easier and more organized, like de-cluttering, downsizing, and efficient use of small spaces, and all services are satisfaction guaranteed!
My home is the most important part in my life and I find it practical enough to deal with a house cleaning service that can take special measures to the things I have in my house.