Thursday, October 14, 2010

Today's Groupon ATL deal - Just for Giggles!

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Today's Groupon ATL deal is $15 for a painting class at Just for Giggles in Milton.  This is a $30 value.  Here are the details:
Art can express a variety of human feelings, from joy at the birth of a child to confusion at the birth of a satyr. Eloquently articulate your emotions with today's Groupon: for $15, you get a 2.5-hour painting class at Just for Giggles in Milton (a $30 value).
Just for Giggles provides a unique studio where participants can spend an evening painting, chatting, and sipping wine. Upon arrival you'll be handed a canvas on which to paint a masterpiece that you'll get to take home or peg on your office refrigerator to show those pencil pushers just what kind of latent genius they’re dealing with. Go it alone or encourage a group of friends to join you for a session. An instructor guides you step-by-step as you paint a polka flower, owl, red angel , or heavily sedated donkey. Every student paints the same object, but each final product is as unique as the artist that created it. Between brushstrokes, feed the creative muse within by sipping wine to paint your lips with the purples of imbibed grape-bloods. A portion of proceeds benefit local charities and schools. Check the online schedule and reserve your spot.

To learn more about this deal or take advantage of it, you can visit the Groupon ATL website. Ticker

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