Saturday, December 4, 2010

Divas in Defense - Basic Self-Defense Class!

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Today's ATL kgb deals offer is $25 for one (1) basic self-defense class and pepper spray at Divas in Defense (a $55 value):
For many women, fear of fighting back can lead to paralysis in a dangerous situation. Don’t succumb to the stereotypes and become yet another statistic: FIGHT BACK! Take 55% off a Basic Self Defense class including pepper spray at Divas in Defense and sleep a little better knowing you won’t be next.
Divas in Defense’s self-defense is taught by current or former law-enforcement officers, martial artists, and self-defense experts, and is geared specifically toward women and their needs. You’ll learn how to condition yourself to be alert and aware of dangerous situations in order to prevent them, as well as the following skills and techniques:

- How to use your natural instincts to protect and defend yourself.
- Master the basics of assessing your environment for weapons
  and escape routes.
- Understanding the key vital points of the body that can distract
  an attacker.
- A natural defensive stance that can throw any attacker
- Basic strikes, basic blocks, basic kicks.
- An overview of self-defense at close, middle, and longer ranges.

Sounds get more information, visit the ATL kgb deals website. Ticker

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