Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jung Studio - $25 for $50 worth of services PLUS a 15% Discount on Products!

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Another one of today's kgb deals (they are really rolling them out here lately) is $25 for $50 worth of services at Jung Studio plus an additional 15% off their products:
Known for its irresistible mix of creativity and control, inspiration and precision, the work of Jung Studio is in high-demand from clients around the region and well beyond (Jung’s biggest fans have been known to travel a great distance to see her). Pay just $25 for a voucher that entitles you to $50 worth of sought-after salon services, plus a generous 15% discount on products, with this gorgeous kgbdeal. Want something traditional? Jung’s got you covered. Considering a completely new look? Even better. Just relax and let Jung do the voodoo that Jung does so well.
To purchase this deal, you can visit the kgb deals ATL website. Ticker

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