Thursday, August 4, 2011

Amazon - GREAT Deal of Pop Tarts Today - As Low as $.17 a Pack!

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Pop-Tarts, (Not Frosted) Brown Sugar Cinnamon, 8-Count Tarts (Pack of 12)

Amazon is having a Kellogg's sale today, and you can snag Pop*tarts as low as $.17 a pack!

I just bought two boxes, and they came out to about $.17 pack.  Here is how to work the deal (not all Pop*tarts will be $.17; it all depends on what flavor you buy):
  • Visit Amazon Kellogg's sale web page
  • Choose which products you want
  • Use the coupon code KELBTSII when checking out
  • Also choose Subscribe and Save (pick 6 months - you can go back later and cancel)
Combining these two discounts will lower your over all price by about 25%!   Great deal on Pop*tarts.  I think my boxes came to a little over a $1 each!

*Thanks Couponing to Disney! Ticker Ticker

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