Friday, November 1, 2019

Christmas is Here! SiriusXM Offers 15 Channels This Year!

I'm so excited!

I love Halloween and Thanksgiving too, but if you know and follow me on Social Media, you know I am a hopeless Hallmark addict.

Welcome back Christmas!  I've missed you, and how am I ever going to listen to FIFTEEN Christmas stations on XM?

This year, SiriusXM is hosting 15 (yes, 15!) Holiday stations for our wintertime listening enjoyment...

I love XM Radio.  I've had it for about 13 years now, and I don't think I could seriously live without it...(okay, that is a bit dramatic, I know), but I do love traveling and not having to scan through the radio dial looking for a station without static AND also playing something I want to hear...

I love that it's all satellite based and follows me wherever I go.  Plus, I love the crystal clarity of it all and having some of my favorite tv shows simulcast.

Good thing for all of us - SiriusXM has gotten really affordable (as in $5 a month affordable) - heck, you know you're going to spend that at Starbucks anyway...

Since I'm so giddy over SiriusXM announcing their holiday stations, I'm going to also include in this happy post a link to their $5/month sale.  Just click on the image below, and you should be able to snag this deal too.  SiriusXM has something for everyone, so why not take advantage of this deal while you can?

Merry (early) Christmas readers!
Click image to take advantage of $5/month sale!

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