Friday, June 28, 2024

The Christian Capitalist - A Book Review


I was so excited to receive this book from Momentum to review a few weeks ago.

Being a full-time county school employee, a travel agent, and an Amazon entrepreneur, I couldn't wait to read how my faith could play into capitalism.

I am usually reading two books at once, tackling them one chapter a day, at a time - but I couldn't put this book down.  I read the first three chapters almost immediately.  I remember thinking, "I need to order more copies," and then went through a mental list in my head of everyone I felt would benefit from the knowledge inside it.

If you are a small business owner, or heck - even a faith-filled Christian wondering about how finances, money, and capitalism can play and intertwine into your life, this book is a great read.

Rich Sanders, the Author, writes in simple and easy-to-understand terms, making it a quick read.

Let me share one thing from the book that hit me almost immediately and which I shared with a friend of mine...

Rich shares the story of creation and how one of the first things we learn about the nature of God is that He works.  And if we are made in His image, that must mean we were created to work as well.

As a hard worker, both mentally and physically, that really impressed upon me and validated my hard work ethic.  But it also shed light on the people around me that do not share the same work ethic as myself, even those that are Christians.

If we are truly God's people and believe that Jesus came and died for our sins, was resurrected and brought back to life, and we now accept Him into our hearts to live with and for, then shouldn't we reflect (as best we can) His nature?

I want to work; I want to reflect this characteristic of God.  I want to embrace Sunday as the day of rest and understand we were created in the image of God and it is okay to work hard and rest from it all at the end of the week.

This will probably be a a book I re-read a time or two, as I want to fully absorb its message, understanding that God teaches us to work hard but to also give generously.  No matter how much or how little God gives us, the ability and gift to work is also His call to us to use what we are given by Him to help others.

If you are interested in learning more about the Christian perspective on The Gospel of Hard Work and Generous Giving, you can visit the Christian Capitalist website where a copy can be ordered directly.  It makes for a great read plus a great gift for other Christian Capitalists in your life.

The Christian Capitalist Overview

"The Christian Capitalist explores various scriptural references that support twin pillars of Christian belief:
  • Working hard to make a productive benefit from talents and materials that God has provided all people.

  • Giving generously to share those benefits with our neighbors in the name of Jesus Christ.
Through a discussion of Holy Scripture, it analyzes various passages that relate to these concepts of productivity and generosity, along with 2,000 years of history discussing the good works of Christians as examples. Ultimately, this book develops a philosophy that is uniquely
Christian and capitalist: the Gospel of Hard Work and Generous Giving!"

Rich Sanders Biography

Rich Sanders is the founding pastor of Online Home Church in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, which has met weekly online since the pandemic shutdown in March 2020.

He earned his Master’s in Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in 2015. Rich follows a bi-vocational calling, so he serves in ministry and in business. As the retired President of Southern Health Lawyers, he practiced law for nearly 30 years. He has been named annually to The Best Lawyers in America - Healthcare since 2011, and he is a past president of the Georgia Academy of Healthcare Attorneys.

Rich is the founder of the charitable organization St. Michael’s Mission, Inc., which is a ministry organized to assist and serve active duty and veterans of the armed services. He is a retired volunteer chaplain at the Interfaith Airport Chapel at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport and served as its President of the Board of Directors from 2017 until 2023.


“As a small business owner, my husband and I have experienced both success and challenges. The Christian Capitalist reminded me that going to church isn’t the only way to worship God.

By working hard and giving to others, I share the blessings God has given to me and my family with others.” - Elizabeth Cranston, Esq., Chief Executive Officer, Cana, LLC, Washington, DC.


I will be giving away one (1) copy of The Christian Capitalist to one lucky reader.  Please click HERE to join the giveaway.  Giveaway ends on July 8, 2024.

Momentum will also be hosting a $500 giveaway!  This will be a $500 Christian donation giveaway they will be doing separately, away from this blog and across all bloggers participating in this book event.  To enter the $500 Christian donation giveaway, please visit HERE and enter today.  (What an amazing gift to all of us - a chance to bless a cause near to your heart!)

*Many thanks to GoodWorks Mission, LLC for providing a sample of the product for my review. Opinions are 100% my own.

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