Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Restaurant .com 80% Code Again!

Well, it's finally happened. Restaurant.com has finally released a new 80% code.

I don't think they've done this since the holidays. I remember because I was able to buy several $25 teachers' gifts for around a mere $2 each! (Hope they're not reading this!)

The new code is PRESENT, and it will expire on Monday, June 15. If you are going to be traveling this summer on vacation, it may be a good idea to punch in your destination to see what is available.

How much sweeter your trip could be knowing you are eating $25 worth of food for only $2!

Happy eating!

*Thanks to Sarah at Fiddle Dee Dee!


  1. A few months ago I purchased a few $50 gift certificates at Ted Montanna's Grill for $7 a piece! But the best part, you can purchase them through Ebates and earn 15% back!

  2. Thanks for reminding us of that Michelle! I was about to purchase a few for Austin's in Cumming.

    Wow, here I am preaching about Ebates, and I was about to miss it all together!
