Saturday, December 24, 2022



"Some years are harder than others. Some eras are harsher than we ever imagined. It is with this in mind that we approach the above passage. All of Israel was looking to the future; the coming of the Messiah. His purpose in coming was to redeem God’s people.

As Christ’s followers, we believe that they were looking for the coming of Jesus and that He was the fulfillment of the promised Messiah. As I have stated in previous devotions, during the Christmas season we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus, but we also look forward to His return.

I want us to take an even deeper look at this passage from the point of view of the watchmen. The watchmen sit perched on the ruined walls of Jerusalem and off in the distance they see the “messenger who brings good news.” They break into shouts and singing because they see the Lord returning.

What is the good news that the messenger brings? Jesus himself told us what the good news was: that the captives would be released, the blind would see, oppressed set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor had come. In Luke 4, He quotes from Isaiah.

Has this been a hard year for you? You may feel like your life is like Jerusalem, lying in ruins, or maybe in simple disrepair. I have news for you…we can look out from the walls of a ruined life and see the messenger who brings good news. Your expectations this Christmas should be the expectation of restoration, reconciliation, and victory.

Recognize this: The restoration of life is hard work and takes time, but our God offers us the strength to get though it. He promises to walk with us every step of the way."

"This is the way the body of Christ is supposed to work. God speaks, we listen, he confirms, we obey and he gives us the strength to do amazing things.

Many shrug and make excuses. But one jumps up and in complete abandon says, “Me, Lord! Me! Pick me! I am willing!” God smiles, scoops her up, brings her into his loving embrace, and whispers back, “Well done my child … I am so pleased. I will give you the strength to do this. Do not be afraid, I will be with you."

It's Christmas Eve.  In our family, it's the one day we all get together.

Can we get together other times?  Yes.  Do we speak at other times?  Yes.

But on this one night, we all gather from each of our super busy lives and gather under one roof  to hug, kiss, smile, laugh, and yes - eat.  I look forward to it all year.  It's the one date set in stone that never changes.

Yet, this Winter Break has not been easy for me inside my core being.  I am struggling.  Some of you that read this and keep up with my journaling, know why and my path.  I've been on a journey the past two months.

Emotional.  Mental.  A journey of the heart and mind.  And that's okay.  I've grown and learned so much from this road traveled.

But this morning, my heart hurts.  I had hopes for a good Winter Break and Christmas week.  But what often lives in my head and heart does not always come to fruition in real life.

And again.  That's okay.  I am alone, but I am not alone.  I have family and friends that surround me.  I know I am being held and loved.  But sometimes, that picture perfect, Norman Rockwell painting we hold inside our mind's eye, does not exist - and we have to accept that God has not allowed it to exist yet for a reason.

I bowed my head this morning in prayer.  I should have been on my exercise bike riding.  I should be wrapping presents.  I should be showering.  I should be...well, you get the idea.  It's Christmas Eve.  There is a list of things to be done today.  Instead, I turned on the Christmas lights throughout the house; fed my furry companions; brewed my first cup of coffee; walked to the basement; turned on the fireplace; and opened my laptop.  Then, I just bowed my head and silently cried to out to God.

"Change my perspective Lord.  Let me focus on YOU and your birthday celebrations today and tomorrow.  Let me pray for those I am focused on as being less than.  Let me pray for my children.  ...And can You actually give me in Your Word this morning what I need to hear?  Maybe this is why I didn't get to my devotions yesterday or read as I should have and normally do.  Maybe You were saving your Words and wisdom for me today."

So, I opened my devotions and read these words, "Has this been a hard year for you? You may feel like your life is like Jerusalem, lying in ruins, or maybe in simple disrepair. I have news for you…we can look out from the walls of a ruined life and see the messenger who brings good news. Your expectations this Christmas should be the expectation of restorationreconciliation, and victory.

Recognize this: The restoration of life is hard work and takes time, but our God offers us the strength to get though it. He promises to walk with us every step of the way."

"This is the way the body of Christ is supposed to work. God speaks, we listen, he confirms, we obey and he gives us the strength to do amazing things."

Wow.  BUT GOD.

Always right on time and with what we need.

You know, when it's been hard in life, my natural inclination is always to disappear.  To leave.  Hang up the phone.  Leave the party.  Walk away from a relationship.  It's what I do and what I need to do to move away from a toxicity of a situation and give myself time to regroup, think, and pray.

But this morning, God said, "The restoration of life is hard work and takes time."

I'm trying really hard to be patient - years in fact - I've been trying.  I know God gives me the strength, and I am trying so hard to listen so that amazing things can be worked through my life for both myself and for others.

This morning, I am thankful for my furry companions - each of their little personalities so different and each pouring out to me what I need always at just the right time.  One wants to be close, one wants to wrestle, one wants to acknowledged.  I do love them.  Each so special in the way and personality God gave them.

I am thankful for an electric fireplace because the wood is wet outside and I don't want to go out and gather it to build a real, wood fire upstairs (although it would have been wonderful to gather around the hearth these last few super cold days with furry companions or loved ones).  I am thankful for a home that is filled with Christmas decorations, music, and movies.  I am thankful my home is filled with food and beverage - and is warm!

But, even admist these blessings, God knows my heart and what it carries.  I miss my boys because they are not home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year.  I miss a partner that is present and makes me feel like I matter and am first in their life.  I miss my Parents and the joy and love they brought to my life.


My sadness is temporal and worldly.  It is selfish and of this world and only a temporary feeling.  I know my boys will be home soon.  I know my family is waiting for me at church later today and more family will be gathering tonight.  I know Christmas Day is going to be filled with the friends and family I love most and can't wait to see.  I know God is crafting and creating a person for me that will one day stand beside me as a partner.  I know my Parents are in Glory with perfect bodies - no more Parkinson's Disease - and with all the people and animals they love most.  I would never dare ask them to return.

So, this morning, I journal to empty myself of sadness and "missed" experiences.  To rid myself of being focused on self.  ...And to remind myself that this weekend, we celebrate the birthday of the Highest King.  Our Savior.  Our Lord.  The birth of Jesus.


It's not about me.  It never was.  It has always been about Jesus.  And I am thankful for a God and a Savior that meets me right, exactly where I am.  He listens, He speaks, and He RESTORES.  Restoration takes time and hard work.  I am so blessed to hear, listen, and obey.  Thank you Jesus.

Happy Birthday!    We celebrate YOU today!

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