Friday, July 16, 2010

Movie Tickets for $3.75? Weekly Cinema Says, "YES!"

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Weekly Cinema goes...

I just got the neatest little e-mail.  It was an e-mail from someone telling me about Weekly Cinema.  Have you all heard about it?

Listen to this...

You can subscribe to Weekly Cinema for roughly $15/month.  Now, before you turn me off because you are already stretched out financially--listen to this...I am not here to tell you how to spend money.  You all know that.  I am here to help you save money, get things for **FREE,** or for CHEAP...and THIS falls into the CHEAP category.

As a Mom of two young boys, we go to the movies a lot.  But, we do it as frugally as possible (i.e., **FREE** and $1 movies during the summer and early matinee movies during the rest of the year).  I try to never spend more than $6/ticket when we go, making it basically a $20 outing.  I also tote in my own food a lot of times to help keep the costs down even further.

However, when I got this e-mail, I immediately pulled up my computer's calculator....For $15/month, you are getting three paid movie tickets and one (1) **free** ticket.  Folks, that is only $3.75 a ticket!  You will never find movie tickets any cheaper than that!

Now, I don't know what all the specifics are (I haven't combed thru the site yet)--I don't know which movie theaters are participating; what areas of the country are participating; or the opt-out information/options yet either.  (Always make sure you can opt out of these deals.  You never want to be tied into anything.  Your circumstances can always change!)

But, if you comb through the site and find out the movie theaters in your area are participating and you can opt out of this program at any time with a simple e-mail or click of the mouse, I would say, "Do it!"  This is a definitely the cheapest avenue for movie tickets.

(If you know of anything cheaper, please comment below and let us know!)

Good luck!!!  As a person who loves going to the movies, I'm heading over to Weekly Cinema's website now to comb through it.  If this deal is in my area and I can opt out at any time, I'm taking them up on their offer!

UPDATE:  From Weekly Cinema's FAQs page:

  • How do I use my tickets? How does it work?

    You can redeem your coupon codes at for up to $14 value per ticket towards any movie (even IMAX and 3D movies)! Fandango is accepted at most theaters across the US. 

  • When can I cancel? Will I be charged?

    You can cancel anytime, without a cancellation fee.

  • Where can i find out if my theater is covered?

    Click here to go to and see if there are any Fandango ticketing theaters near you
Second Update:  The **FREE** ticket is only for signing up.  When you sign up, you can pick from 2-, 3-, or 4-ticket plans.  The tickets basically cost you $4.99 each.  So, depending on your circumstances or where you live, this may or may not be a bargain.  HOWEVER, the catch with Weekly Cinema is that they issue you coupon codes each month for the tickets (not actual paper tickets).

You then take the coupon codes to Fandango and buy your tickets.  If I am reading the website correctly, this is an extremely sweet deal because the coupon codes are valued at up to $14 (!!!) each, and they can be used on both IMAX and 3D films!  Wowzer!

This means no more matinees and dragging everyone up early.  You can now watch the movies you want to see when you want to see them!  ...and I love the option of being able to see IMAX and 3D films with my same $15/month plan fee.

One other thing you may want to consider--if you don't think your family will see at least one movie each month, consider keeping the plan and selling your codes to someone else that is going to a movie.  That way, you will still have the option of cheap movie tickets and you will be able to give someone else the opportunity to see a cheap movie too! Ticker

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