Friday, August 27, 2010

HOME DEPOT - Paint Tools - CLEARANCE - On-Line!!

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Okay, I found this incredible deal on Home Depot's website...apparently, they are clearing out a ton of painting supplies/tools and having a Behr 75% off sale!!!  (#SCORE!)  This sale is only on-line.  Not available in Home Depot retail stores.

It looks like they have a lot of paint brushes on sale along with a paint kit and some roller covers.

Anybody that knows me (and my family) knows we paint ALL THE TIME.  (DH likes to say he goes to bed, and when he wakes up, the house is a different color!)  We can't help it, it's in our genes.  My Grandmother, Millie, painted we earned our love to paint honestly.  ...and I guess I'm passing it down, because when my now 13-year old was three, I caught him outside with a paintbrush going back and forth along the front porch steps.  (No paint on the brush of course.)  When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "Painting!"  God love that kid and my Italian Grandmother for instilling in me the desire and love to PAINT!

...and God love the Home Depot for slashing prices on all their Behr painting stuff!  I am filling up my basket and bringing it home! 

Before, I get carried away with nostalgia and forget, here are the links to the Behr sale:
Shipping isn't free (unless you spend $250), but it's not too much either.  I loaded my cart up with 5 paintbrushes and 6 paint rollers.  The shipping came to a measly $6.  That really isn't bad when you see the original selling prices these items sold for (or what they may still be selling for in the store).

Normally, I'm a Walmart girl, buying paint brushes, roller covers, and paint trays there, but when I can get higher quality items even cheaper than at Walmart, I'm taking advantage of it and stocking up!

I'm good right now, but my desire to change paint colors can come fast and furious from out of nowhere and at any time.  Now, I can be ready with tools in hand!!!

Make sure you surf over to Home Depot's website and check out these awesome deals before they disappear!  No word on the site of when this deal ends.

UPDATE:  If you shop through Mr. Rebates, you will get an additional 4% back on your order, and (as always), if you are new to Mr. Rebates, you will get an additional $5 credited to your account as a sign-up bonus! Ticker

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