Monday, December 6, 2010 - Feed It Forward

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Don't forget to Feed it Forward with  I'm on Day 3; what about you?  I'm working my way through my facebook friends, so if you get a $10 from me, you'll know it's Feed it Forward time!

Don't know what Feed it Forward is?  Read below:
Give $10 gift certificates to your friends and family.  You can give up to 40 every day through 12/31.  It's a great holiday gift for everyone on your list.  ....and the best part's **FREE!**  Giving big starts with you!
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.  Why is doing this?  They say, "The feeling created by the gift of giving lifts spirits, spreads joy, and strengthens community.  We bring you Feed it Forward to ensure everyone can experience that happiness sharing a gift brings."

Happy giving!  Click on the image above to start sending your 40 $10 gift certificates now! Ticker

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