Monday, May 2, 2011

Mamapedia - Sweet Deal - Music Matters After School - 50% Off One Week Music Camp

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Today's Mamapedia Sweet Deal is from Music Matters After School:
Why this deal is so sweet:
From the first time a child picks up a spoon to beat on pots and pans, music plays an integral role in shaping his motor skills, coordination, and connection with his surroundings. Build on those rhythmic instincts by enrolling your child in either Beginner Music 101 or the Rhapsody Camp from Music Matters After School. Students get hands-on experience learning and creating music in many different genres, from classical and jazz to rock and hip-hop, in a fun and inspirational environment. At the end of the week, campers put on a live musical performance for parents and friends.
About the company:
As budget cuts force more public school systems to eliminate music programs, Music Matters After School meets the important need of quality extracurricular musical education. Classes and camps are available to students of all ages and skill levels, encouraging cognitive, psychological, and sociological development. The company is run by experienced instructors with a passion for enriching young minds and spirits through music.
Wanna check it out or purchase?  Visit the Mamapedia website.  Remember, 5% of your purchase will be donated to the preschool or school of your choice!  Enjoy! Ticker

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