Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Coastal Contacts - 100,000 More **FREE** Pairs of Eye Glasses

To receive these deals daily, sign up for our **FREE** e-mail newsletter or subscribe via RSS. If you'd like a printable copy of this post, please see the link below. Thanks for visiting!

Visit the Coastal Contacts facebook page to get a **FREE** pair of eye glasses.  Here is how to get yours:

  • Visit the Coastal Contacts facebook page.
  • Click on the **FREE** Glasses tab (left side of page)
  • Click on the "Like" button to reveal coupon code
  • Visit the Coastal Contacts website
  • Select a pair of eye glasses
  • Check out using the coupon code supplied above.
  • Pay only shipping and handling (about $10-$15)
If you don't get a pair today, keep trying.  Coastal Contacts is giving away 2,000 pairs every day for the next 50 days!

Good luck! Ticker Ticker

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