Monday, August 15, 2022

Falling Back in Love with the Addicted


What does that mean falling back in love with the Addicted?

To me, it means that as I am facing a loved one unable to walk away from something I believe is harmful and addictive in nature, I am turning more to God.  Listening more for God's voice.  Hearing God's voice clearer.  And because of those those parts of the equation, I am falling in love more with my addicted family member.

I read today's Proverbs 31 devotional and thought about this subject.  A few things in today's reading struck me, and I wanted to post them here for memory and for others to read.  I have no idea if they will help you, but they struck a chord with me - and I often find that is God's way of saying, "Write."

At the risk of committing plagiarism, I want to share a good bit of today's reading.  It's just that good.  Let's start with this:

"Suddenly the Lord put everything together. No one stole your didn’t lose it. You left it, My dear, He whispered gently to my chastened heart."

Wow, so true.  How many times, in past relationships with partners or children, did I lash out.  Seeing only from MY side?  I love this picture of Jesus whispering into our heart, "You didn't lose your peace Debbie.  You left it."

Yes!  As I've gone through this addiction battle, I've witnessed this in myself.  Mostly because I've had to sit at Jesus' feet and listen and find the peace.  Because I am searching for peace, I can more easily see how I left it all those other times.  I don't want to go back to that girl.  I like listening (and hearing) Jesus, and I like the peace He brings my ear. 


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you,” Jesus says in John 14:27. “I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

I love what John 14:27 says, Do not let your hearts be troubled …”  Did you catch that?  I love the BOLD parts.  Wow (again).


Let that sink in a moment - do not LET.  Wow.  I've never thought about LETTING my heart be troubled.  It always just WAS - other people CAUSED it to be troubled.  But wow.  The Bible says (a commandment) - "Do not LET." 

GOT IT.  I hear you Jesus.

So, as I walk away from this reading today, I am going to try and do better.  Try to remember John 14:27 and what Jesus is telling us to do.  Guard those hearts.  Guard MY heart.  Don't LET it be troubled.

I don't know about you, but for me?  I'm going to sit at the foot of the Cross, at Jesus' feet and LISTEN.  I'm searching for my PEACE.  It's there for the taking, and I'm ready to embrace it.

Jesus is fighting alongside me in the battle for my loved one, and He's giving me the PEACE to love my loved one even more, despite what I see in front of me that I dislike so much.  I'm falling in love again - and deeper - and I'm going to NOT LET my heart be troubled through this battle.  I hear you Jesus.  I am listening.

Thank you for this reading today and the reminder to guard my heart, sit at your feet, listen, and fight.  I'm standing here, and I'm ready.

Happy Monday my friends.  May your battle be light and your fight strong...

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